exclusive control

英 [ɪkˈskluːsɪv kənˈtrəʊl] 美 [ɪkˈskluːsɪv kənˈtroʊl]




  1. For example, rather than giving an application exclusive control over an entire table, the DB2 database manager can give an application exclusive control over a specific row in a table.
  2. A message engine has exclusive control of its own data store, so no other message engine can be linked to that data store.
  3. It is served by the portal servlet but has exclusive control over the complete page.
  4. Private clouds are built for the exclusive use of one organization, providing the utmost control over data, security, and quality of service.
  5. The theory of exclusive dealing is one of the important parts of the theory of vertical control.
  6. At the same time, it also provides consumers with exclusive professional services for fluid control system, product maintenance and the correlated extension services.
  7. We reserve the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defence and control of any claim or action.
  8. The existing discriminatory and exclusive export control mechanisms and arrangements should be overhauled and rectified comprehensively, and a fair and rational international non-proliferation system should be set up through negotiations on the basis of universal participation.
  9. Exclusive Dealing in Hi-Tech Industry: Evidence from Intel and AMD; control unit of control processor
  10. The militarists are contemplating an alliance with Germany and Italy for the purpose of gaining exclusive control of China, invading Southeast Asia and expelling Britain, the United States and France from the East;
  11. The property right is about the right of exclusive control of a defined subject with value.
  12. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.
  13. Result: This identification was exclusive, the negative control had no a interference.
  14. In a small number of Party organizations some leading comrades are still prone to exercise exclusive personal control.
  15. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party. The title deed is the document, which proves ownership of the goods.
  16. You do not have exclusive access to the database. You cannot continue with the Source Code Control command.
  17. Having exclusive control over a commercial activity by possession or legal grant.
  18. The author of the thesis process that an authoritative exclusive and scientific institution for water basin control be established, a macro management mechanism for water basin control be strengthened while weakening micro-management and consequently solidifies service function.
  19. It must be caused by an agency or instrumentality within the exclusive control of the defendant;
  20. Monopoly is the opposite side of competition. It means a company or a group occupies most share of a certain market and gets exclusive control over the market and decides the price of commodities.
  21. Studies on the system for the exclusive control substance in traditional Chinese herbal medicines
  22. Monopoly refers to such a state or action as following: by building market barrier, the mainbody of economic action forms a kind of limitation with exclusive control against the target market, and also, a state or action hindering market competition.
  23. In addition, an exclusive interface being used to control and display is designed.
  24. Exclusive criteria: Repetitive non-randomized control studies.
  25. Somehow, the control right derived from the exclusive control of key resources is also depending on the equity.
  26. In comparing the current concurrency control mechanism of some of the existing situation, this paper propose solutions to two conflicting ways: First, the use of exclusive rights management lock and a combination of concurrency control methods, and second version of the replication technology.
  27. Property ownership and key resources of the exclusive right are two sources of enterprise control power, in which control right based on property rights is the origination of enterprises statutory control over sources.
  28. His own term "technopoly" is a combination of the words technology and monopoly, which refers to the exclusive control of technology over our world and life today.
  29. Then we use nvolutes 'interpolation exclusive programming which is simple and intuitionistic. The equipped automatic speed control function take the relationship between processing speed and speed of tool cutting point fully into account and the precision can meet the demand.